In his post, Arne Fokkema demonstrates how to generate a report on Console Memory in the environment using his script:
Get-VMHost | Sort Name | Get-View | Select Name, `
@{N="Service Console Memory";E= {"" + `
[math]::round($_.Config.ConsoleReservation.ServiceConsoleReserved / 1MB, 0) + " MB "}}
Fortunately he also provided a script for modifying this setting. I have it written below with a small modification that takes advantage of PowerShell's ability to perform calculations based on unit (KB/MB/GB). Functionally it isn't any different then Arne's script, but I found it a little more user friendly.
Get-VMHost | Get-View | % {
$_.Name | Where { $_.Config.ConsoleReservation.ServiceConsoleReserved -ne (800*1mb) }
(Get-View -Id $_.ConfigManager.MemoryManager).ReconfigureServiceConsoleReservation(800*1mb) }
Thanks to Arne for his post and work. Take a look at his blog at
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